Server Preview

ATCS Server provides a very high speed data exchange between pilots positions, controllers positions, and weather manager. atcs_01

Server is handled by teacher or his assistant and provides
following functionality:

  • ATCS Supervisor.

    Allow teacher to freeze simulation for teaching / briefing purposes. All students will bee prompted with a blue screen and a proper “Simulation Paused by Server”.
    Moreover on the ATCS Supervisor page you may see the ...


  • Radar screen. Server Images
  • One of the most difficult task for Teachers and Assistants is maintain traffic situational awareness, but also keep in touch with student, giving them suggestions, making and answering questions or simply walking into simulation room. The Radar Screen allow teacher and assistant to quickly have traffic situation back on his hands.


  • Weather control manager.

    This tools controls the simulation weather conditions.
    Teachers / Assistants may set Visibility values, clouds, QNH, RVR and others items concerning weather. Those items then can be sent via the ATIS system to all Pilots and Controlloers too.
    Other items are almost self explanatory.
